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Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Cost Kshs. 144,000 per Semester


The Bachelor of Science in Meteorology programme is a four year programme, developed to embrace new developments in the science of meteorology and the expanding areas of meteorological application.

The course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills in weather and climate system analysis, weather forecasting, early warning, environmental pollution and Environmental Impacts Assessment, Biometeorology, Agrometeorology, Hydrometeorology, Renewable Energy Resources, Marine Meteorology, Aviation Meteorology and Environmental Meteorology.

Registration for B.Sc. Meteorology programme requires that students be qualified to satisfactorily register for courses in the School of Mathematics as well in the Department of Physics.

Career opportunities for graduates of B.Sc. Meteorology exists in the Kenya Government Ministries of Transport and Communication, Defence, Environment, Tourism and Wildlife, Agriculture, Water and Irrigation, Energy, Science and Technology, Health; Universities; International Organizations such as WMO, UNEP, ICPAC, ACMAD, NASA and NOAA.

Weather and climate influence socio-economic wellbeing of a society. Favourable weather and climate conditions determine the socio-economic status and livelihood of any nation. It is in record that hazards arising from extreme climate and weather have beguiled humankind since time immemorial. The adverse effects of these hazards may be minimized through understanding, monitoring and predicting their evolution.

The Bachelor of Science (Meteorology) programme is an applied science programme aimed at imparting knowledge and skills in broad areas of meteorological applications. Some of the application areas include bio-meteorology; marine meteorology; hydro-meteorology; agro-meteorology; aeronautical meteorology; renewable energy resources; environmental meteorology; environmental pollution; environmental impacts assessment; economic commercial meteorology; forensic meteorology; and urban and building climatology.

For the learner to pursue the programme, he or she should be grounded in mathematics, computer
programming, physics and chemistry in the first two years. The core courses are geared towards developing the learner into a professional meteorologist. In addition, the learner shall be exposed to the various applications.


There are three modes of delivery in this programme namely;

  1. Module I - this has a face-to-face delivery and is done from 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
  2. Module II - this has a face-to-face delivery and is done from 5.30pm to 8.3pm, Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 5pm on Saturday.
  3. Module III - this has an open and distance learning mode where modules are given to students to  read/study.
  4. Online learning


The course structure for B.Sc. Meteorology follows the 4:3:1:1 unit system as follows:

  • First year: Meteorology (3), Mathematics (3), Physics (3), BCUC (3)
  • Second year: Meteorology (4), Mathematics (4), Physics (4)
  • Third year: Meteorology (10)
  • Fourth year: Meteorology (10)



Dr F. J. Opija

Cellphone No. +254 721 531 908


Mr. B. M. Watitwa

Cellphone No. +254 712 230 635

Structural components
Internship/Workplace experience
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

Application procedure

There are two categories of students at the University of Nairobi:

  1. Government Sponsored Students
  2. Self  Sponsored Students

Application process for Government Sponsored Students

The Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) is the state corporation that coordinates the placement of Government-Sponsored Students to Kenyan universities and colleges. KUCCPS undertakes the selection of undergraduate students for admission to higher learning institutions for Government sponsorship.

KUCCPS placement criteria

a) Only candidates who apply for placement will be considered for placement in the respective programmes applied

b) Candidates must meet the minimum admission requirement approved by the respective regulating authority to be considered for placement

c) Placement shall be on merit

d) An affirmative action criteria approved by the Placement Service shall be applied for the marginalized and disadvantaged applicants.

e) Applicants who will not manage to be placed in the preferred programmes may be requested to re-apply for placement consideration into programmes which may not satisfied the number required.

Click here for the KUCCPS application procedure

Application process for Self Sponsored Students (undergraduate and postgraduate students)

Applications for admission to study at the University as self sponsored students are online.

The online application system has a list of all the courses on offer at the University, open Intakes, application deadlines, reporting dates and program requirements.

All first time applicants are encouraged to explore the list of available academic programmes and the set requirements to ensure that they qualify to apply for their programme of choice.

Application procedure (undergraduate and postgraduate)

Follow these step by step guidelines to apply for a course: Application Manual

General application information:

  • Prospective students are required to complete their application. The University of Nairobi does not make use of representatives, agents or agencies during the application process.
  • All applicants are required to provide all the required information: current email address, an active phone number and Postal Address and certified scanned copies of Certificates, transcripts and a current passport photo.
  • The application deadlines are indicated on the online application system, the closing dates cannot be extended.
  • Payment of application Fees: Applicants will pay a non-refundable application fee of Kshs.3,000 (undergradaute and masters level) and Kshs. 4,000 for PhD level. International pay USD 50. Upon payment, you will receive a confirmation of the payment on your email address and phone number.   
  • Applicants can track the status of the application online through the system. Alerts will be sent to via email address and phone number.

Modes of payment

  1. Electronic transfer/direct cash deposit at any ABSA bank branch countrywide

Bank:  ABSA bank

Account name:  UON Application Account

Account Number:  2032771362

Bank branch: ABSA PLAZA


Bank: Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)branch

Account Name: University of Nairobi

Account number: 11774757075

*Quote the application reference number as sent to your mobile phone

  1. Application Fee Payment Via M-Pesa

Pay the required amount through your mobile phone by M-pesa following the instructions below:

 1. Go to M-PESA on your phone.

2. Select Lipa na M-PESA option

3. Select Pay Bill option.

4. Enter Business no.

5. Enter your Reference number as sent to your mobilephone

6. Enter the Amount you intend to pay.

 7. Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send

N/B. Only make the payment if you have been allocated an application reference number sent to your phone or email

Student loans

Kenyan students in higher education institutions are eligible for education loans by the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

HELB enhances equity in higher education by awarding loans and bursaries to needy Kenyan students. HELB awards loans to students in institutions of higher learning to fund their education i.e. those students’ joining University as Government or Self Sponsored.  The loan attracts interest of 4% p.a and the students are required to repay their loans on completion of their studies. Applying for a HELB loan can allow you to afford your studies while enjoying low interest.

These loans are not automatic and have to be applied for through the student portal.

Click here to view HELB products

Learning outcomes



Admission Requirements

  1. The Common Regulations for the Bachelor of Science Degree in the University of Nairobi shall apply.
  2. Subject to Regulation 2.1, candidates with the following qualifications shall be admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Meteorology degree programme:
  • KCSE Certificate, or its equivalent from an institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, with minimum aggregate of C+ (C plus) and at least a grade of C+ in both mathematics and physics or chemistry.
  • Advanced Level (A-level) (EAACE or KACE) Certificate, or its equivalent from an institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, with principal passes in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry.
  • KCSE Certificate or its equivalent from an institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, plus a post O-level Diploma with at least credit pass in Mathematics and Physics or Chemistry.
  • EACE or KCE Certificate, or its equivalent from an institution recognized by the University of Nairobi Senate, plus a post O-level Diploma with at least credit in Mathematics and Physics.
  • Advanced Meteorological Technician Course (WMO-Class II Certificate) with at least a pass
  • Middle-level Meteorological Technician Course (WMO-Class III Certificate) with at least a distinction from an Institute for Meteorological Training and Research (IMTR)



Admissions for this program is done once in a year. For more information about this, kindly visit the link below:

UoN Admissions Office


ISCED Categories

Conservation and environmental management
Physical and chemical oceanography
Environmental protection technology