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Bachelor of Science in Marine Sciences (BSc MASC)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 6 semesters
Cost Tanzanian Nationals = TZs 1,100, 000; Non-Tanzanian Nationals = USD 2700

The Marine and Coastal Resource Management section focuses on issues related to biological oceanography, ocean productivity, fisheries, marine botany and marine mammals, coastal and marine resources (estuaries and mangroves, seagrass beds and coral reefs, socio-economic and resource management). In addition, the section ventures into new specialisations such as: Fisheries biology, taxonomy and population genetics; Fisheries science and management; International market analysis of seafood products; Fish and shellfish immunology; Fish stock assessment; Fisheries Resource economics; Biostatistics; Fish biometry; Physiological ecology; Marine mammal ecology; Coastal and marine resources economics and management; Coastal and marine ethnoecology; Climate change, biodiversity and carbon trade; Marine laws and affairs; Marine and coastal resource policies and community development; Marine economic policies and business of marine products (International market analysis of seafood products, International fisheries development and policies, International law of the sea, Fisheries-mariculture-agriculture integrated farming innovations and technology and their impact on ecosystems, markets and product prices); Sociology; Eco-tourism; Integrated coastal zone management.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Research Project


  1. Direct Entry (Form VI) Qualifications: Two principal passes in biology and in one of the following subjects: Chemistry, Agriculture, Physics and Geography. 
  2. Equivalent Qualifications: Diploma in Fisheries, Aquaculture, Agriculture with a minimum GPA of 3.5.

ISCED Categories

Marine and maritime law
Physical and chemical oceanography