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Bachelor of Science in Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries (BSc ASF)

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 8 semesters
Entry level Master
Cost Tanzanian Nationals = TZs 1,000,000; Non-Tanzanian Nationals = USD 2,700

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Fisheries Technology (CoAF) comprises five departments, namely: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Technology, Crop Sciences and Beekeeping Technology, Agricultural Economics and Business, Agricultural Engineering, and Food Science and Technology. CoAF is running programmes under the semester system whereby the academic year is subdivided into 2 semesters of teaching each lasting 15 weeks. Each of its disciplines offers a variety of courses, including core courses, which are compulsory to students majoring in the subject, and optional courses. Each course is given a credit weighting according to the time devoted to it according to the Tanzania Commission for Universities guidelines. One credit equates to learning outcomes achieved in 10 hours of learning, which includes such activities as lectures, seminars/tutorials, assignments, independent studies and practical training.

Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project


Entry Requirements


ISCED Categories
