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B.Sc. Fisheries and Agriculture

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 5 semesters
Cost NGN 51,500 per Semester

As the world’s human population increases, so is the need for supply of food protein. Fish and fishery products which are known to provide the cheapest sources of animal protein. Unfortunately, accessible fisheries resources of the ocean are rapidly dwindling, and the impact climate change increases the risk of fishing at sea.

Students will be drilled on various aspects of marine, brackish and fresh-water fish and plant culture including fish farm management, pond construction and/or installation of culture enclosures, management of culture milieu, cage culture, hatchery management, captive breeding, fingerling production, aquarium design and ornamental fisheries, genetic engineering, natural food and feed production, as well as integrated culture techniques for finfish and shellfish such as aquaponics.

Graduates of this programme have prospects in national and international fishing industries, fish processing, preservation, packaging and marketing industries, fishing gear technology, fin-fish and shellfish production industries, as well as marine fish aquarium development. Above all, graduates of this programme shall be prospective entrepreneurs, creating and sustaining fisheries employment opportunity for the youth of this nation


Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Research Project

ISCED Categories

Policy and governance