The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences was established in the 2002/2003 academic year. The Department emerged as an offshoot of the former Department of Zoology with the aim to enable the University of Cape Coast focus its attention on fisheries and coastal resources of Ghana. A significant proportion of Ghanaians derive their livelihoods from fisheries (both marine and inland) and the exploitation of other coastal resources. The rationale for the bachelor’s programme in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences is to introduce students to fisheries, aquaculture and coastal resource management issues as well as to the scientific methods and tools for investigating the issues.
Goal / Aim / Objectives:
The goal of the bachelor’s programme is to build the needed human capacity that could support the government in achieving its development objectives of food security, biodiversity conservation, poverty reduction, and sustainable management of Ghana’s fisheries, coastal and marine ecosystems to provide long-term goods and services to communities.
The objectives are to:
- To train students in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences for employment in public and private sector organizations.
- To equip students with techniques in Integrated Coastal Zone Management to assist coastal communities to improve their livelihood.
- To conduct research in marine, brackish water and freshwater ecosystems to assist decision-makers to formulate policies on sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources.
Application procedure
Entry Requirements:
The minimum admission requirement into the University of Cape Coast for WASSCE applicants is aggregate 36. For SSSCE applicants, the minimum requirement is aggregate 24.
Candidates must have passes in six (6) subjects with an overall aggregate of 36/24 at the WASSCE/SSSCE level respectively. Three of the six subjects must be core subjects: English language, mathematics, and Integrated Science or Social Studies and three must be in relevant electives.
For purposes of admission, a pass in:
- WASSCE means Grade: A1 – C6
- SSSCE means Grade: A – D.
In addition to the above, candidates must satisfy requirements as indicated below:
Candidates must obtain:
- passes in Core English, Core Mathematics and Integrated Science or Social Studies
- passes in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics with grades NOT lower than C6
- an overall aggregate of 36 or better in three core and three elective subjects.
ISCED Categories