The Department is Ghana’s foremost centre directly concerned with marine environmental research and training of fisheries scientists among her institutions of higher learning. Since its inception, the department has been running undergraduate, graduate and programmes; as well as short course in marine and fisheries sciences. Staff and Faculty of the Department strive to provide a welcoming environment for teaching and learning whiles challenging students to be innovative and to hone skills needed to become a productive fisheries/marine scientist/coastal manager.
The Department is also involved in diverse projects varying from traditional marine/fisheries science research to multidisciplinary research that focus on resolving issues relating to food security, coastal management issues, improved marine environment resilience, aquaculture, marine geochemistry, ocean productivity, fisheries surveillance and monitoring coastal vulnerability assessment, etc.
We are ready to engage, collaborate, and partner with all relevant stakeholders in teaching, learning, research and advocacy roles.
The Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences runs the following programmes: B.Sc Marine Science (Single Major); B.Sc Fisheries Science (Single Major), BSc. Marine Science (Major-Minor), and BSc. Fisheries Science (Major-Minor). Candidates must have satisfied ALL required Faculty-wide Level 100 courses prescribed for the Marine and Fisheries Sciences. Only students who have taken Faculty wide programmes in the Biological or Biomathematical programmes will be admitted for Fisheries Science.
To graduate with BSc. degree in Marine Science OR Fisheries Science, the student must take the following:
- Core: ALL
- Prescribed Electives as indicated.
All Core courses are compulsory. Candidates in the Major-Minor programmes must take and pass all indicated core courses. The total number of course credits to be taken must be between 15–18 credits per semester.
Application procedure
The general requirements for entry to Levels 100 and 200 of the bachelor's degree programmes are as follows:
West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSSCE) and equivalent qualifications whose candidates are admitted to Level 100.
- Other Qualifications: Other qualifications include International Baccalaurette (IB), IGCSE, GCSE, the American Grades 12 and 13 examinations and other external qualifications which have equivalences to the SSSCE and the GCE. Candidates with external qualifications are admitted to either Level 100 or Level 200, depending on the nature of qualification and their equivalences to local qualifications.
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Animal Biology and Conservation Science, Biochemistry Cell and Molecular Biology, Nutrition, Food Science, Plant and Environmental Biology, Marine Science, Fisheries Science.
Entry requirements:
Core: Credit passes in English, Core Mathematics, Integrated Science & Social Studies
Electives: Credit passes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
ISCED Categories