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Ordinary Diploma in Fish Processing, Quality Assurance and Marketing

Short-cycle tertiary education (ISCED 2011 level 5)


Duration 4 semesters
Cost Local Fee: TSHs. 1,176,400/= , Foreigner Fee: USD 2,500/=

Course Description

The programme Rationale reflects on the economical prosperity of the society depends on its ability to compete effectively and efficiently in the constantly changing national and global markets. Industries have to exploit opportunities offered by new technologies to remain competitive. Employers need creative and innovative workforce equipped with knowledge, skills and understanding to face these challenges effectively and efficiently.  The programme of Fish Processing, Quality Assurance and Marketing has been designed to produce graduates who will satisfy the needs of employers as well as self-employment in the twenty first century and are ready to enter engineering employment and are equipped to continue learning throughout their life.  The graduates from the programme of Fish Processing Quality Assurance and Marketing will be flexible and able to meet challenges of the job market either formal or informal sectors.  This programme of Fish Processing, Quality Assurance and Marketing also address national needs articulated through various aspects of policies such higher and technical education..

Structural components
International component
Laboratory training


Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with four (4) passes in non-religious subjects; AND Possession of Basic Technician Certificate (NTA Level 4) in Aquaculture Technology; Fish Processing, Quality Assurance and Marketing; Animal Health and Production; Fisheries Science and Technology; Fisheries Management and Technology;  Agriculture Production; General Agriculture; Human Nutrition; Environmental Science OR Holders of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) with one Principle pass in Science Subjects and Subsidiary Pass


ISCED Categories

Maritime economy