Ghana is a protein-deficient country in which fish forms more than 60% of animal protein intake. There is however, a yawning fish demand gap that currently stands at about 450, 000 MT annually. Aquaculture had been recognised to have a great potential and offers the best long-term solution to the ever-increasing deficit in fish supply in Ghana. But lack of human capacity to support a thriving aquaculture development is one of the major limitations in the national effort to bridge the gap in fish demand and supply. The Department of Fisheries and aquatic Sciences therefore proposes to mount the Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Aquaculture to address this problem.
Structural components
Laboratory training
Practical/Field work
Learning outcomes
- Trained middle-level manpower to assist with teaching, research and extension in tertiary and other research institutions.
- Personnel with managerial capacities in the aquaculture industry produced.
- Graduates capable of training lower-level personnel in aquaculture institutions on aquaculture data collection produced.
- Bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences with a Second Class Lower Division or higher
OR - Bachelor's degree in Fisheries related course with a Second Class Lower Division or higher
- In addition, candidates must pass an oral interview
ISCED Categories