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BA (Hons) Law, Blue Economy and Sustainable Fisheries

Bachelor (ISCED 2011 level 6)


Duration 6 semesters
Cost Citizens of Mauritius = RS 180,000, Citizens of SADC and IORA Countries =USD 4,750, Non-Citizens of SADC and IORA Countries = USD 7,100

The programme has been tailored to meet the increasing demands for sustainability smart and talented professionals in the marine natural resources and environmental sectors, including the fisheriesindustry, integrated coastal management and the Blue Economy from Africa’s perspective. A lack ofskilled human resources and succession planning is a major challenge in unleashing the  development potentials of the regional ocean economy to progress the time-bound UN Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2063 for Transforming Africa. Public and Private sectors, Science – Technology - Innovation and Academic Institutions, and philanthropic organisations require technicians, managers and researchers with the necessary applied scientific knowledge, managerial skills, critical thinking and analytical skills for sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity, peace and harmony in our global village. This three-year full-time degree programme innovates in professional teaching and learning through a balanced interdisciplinary and cross-sector approach to blend the fundamentals and practices of International Maritime Law, Blue Economy and Sustainable fisheries.

Structural components

Application procedure

Learning outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes:

After completing this programme, students will gain scientific and organisational knowledge and practical skills at a foundational level in Year 1 to independent research and applications in Year 3. In addition, a final project, industrial experience and dissertation as a requisite for the Honours will tease apart the innovative sustainable development-oriented and problem-solving capabilities of the aspiring professionals in diverse areas of the ocean economy. It also aims at creating an appetite for further studies and life long learning.



General Entry Requirements under Direct Entry to Undergraduate Programmes.

Applicants should fulfil the following conditions:

OPTION 1: A School Certificate (O-Level) with at least five credits or equivalent and

i) For fresh Higher School Certificate holders: Three passes at Principal Level (A-Level) and two passes at Sub Level (inappropriate subjects as indicated in the specific programme requirements)

ii) For mature candidates: Either three credits (SC) and One pass at Principal Level (A-level); should be above 25 years old and possess at least five years of working experience. or An appropriate equivalent Foundation/Certificate/Diploma programme approved by the Open University of Mauritius (OU). Learners who do not qualify under option 1 may register for Foundation Courses offered by OU. Learners must complete eight modules at the Foundation level to be eligible to apply for Undergraduate programmes.

OPTION 2: Submission of a comprehensive portfolio for possible Recognition of Prior Learning/Experience (RPL/RPE) as an alternative to above along with evidence for the language/numeracy/ICT skills required for the programme of study with a minimum of University Cambridge SC with at least three credits or equivalent at the level of Foundation in order to be eligible to apply for Undergraduate programmes.

Programme specific: Credit in English and Mathematics at Ordinary Level (O-Level)

ISCED Categories

Policy and governance
Marine and maritime law
Marine spatial planning
Coastal and marine tourism
Maritime security